Colbún is a Chilean company that seeks to generate electricity by balancing the pillars of safety and competitiveness with sustainability, minimizing the impact on the environment, taking care of natural resources and making efficient use of them.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0030-E2002A12
- Initiative of: Colbún
- Neutralization object: Corporate Offices
- Volume tonCO2: 2,661 tCO2
- Effective date: 31-07-2014
- Footprint meter: Colbún
- Footprint verifier: Ernst&Young
- Abatement Project: Quilleo Power Plant
- Registration: Markit

Aware of climate change and the protection of biodiversity and natural habitats, Colbún conducts its environmental management with the aim of achieving the environmental viability of its projects and operations. As part of its Sustainability Strategy, and with more than 10 years of commitment to climate change mitigation, the company has not only made progress in the development of projects to reduce GHG emissions and the measurement and management of its carbon footprint, but has also neutralized part of its emissions. Along with this, it has reported year after year its measurement through the
Carbon Disclosure Project
(CDP), and prepared its Sustainability Report to measure its sustainability performance, under the methodology
Global Reporting Initiative
All these practices show their eagerness to act responsibly and transparently in their commitment to Climate Change.
For the second consecutive year, Colbún neutralizes the carbon emissions generated by its corporate offices. For this purpose, it measured its carbon footprint under an internationally recognized methodology – GHG Protocol -The company has been verified by an independent third party, and has compensated through carbon credits, which have certified its reductions under the VCS standard. Verified Carbon StandardThe company has been certified by SCX for the carbon neutrality attribute of its corporate offices.
The measurement resulted in the operation of its corporate offices, 2,661 tons of CO2The main expenses of the Company are electricity and fuel consumption, personnel transportation, business trips and waste disposal, among others. The neutralization was carried out with a renewable energy project developed by the same company, the Quilleco run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, located in the Biobío Region, which is certified by the United Nations and the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).
ID Code: 0030-E2002A12