Through this campaign, BMW Chile and COPEC joined forces to contribute to the community and contribute environmentally to the mitigation of climate change.
In this context, BMW and the Convive COPEC program offer all customers who purchase any of the 2014 BMW models the benefit of having the carbon footprint of their first 20,000km neutralized, under the SCX | CO2 Neutral standard.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX code: 0037-E3104A20
- Initiative of: BMW Chile and COPEC
- Neutralization object: 2014 model cars
- Volume tonCO2: 5,521 tCO2
- Effective date: 31-12-2014
- Footprint meter: BMW program for its customers
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Reduction Project: Lircay, Madre de Dios, San Cristobal and Foz do Chapecó.
- Registration: Markit

The neutralization of CO2 emissions was achieved by investing in projects that generate carbon credits certified under the most demanding international standards, which will be traded on the Santiago Climate Exchange (SCX).
Four Latin American projects have been selected for this campaign that not only contribute to mitigating the impact of greenhouse gases, but also support the development of local communities and in some cases the conversation of local biodiversity.
Each BMW customer will receive a certificate with its respective ID, which can be entered at the end of this website, and with which you can verify the materialization of the contribution made by BMW and COPEC.
ID Code: 0037-E3104A20