For the eighth consecutive year, Colbún neutralized the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with the operation of its corporate offices in 2018, mainly corresponding to electricity and fuel consumption, staff transportation, business travel and waste disposal. The emissions inventory was conducted under the GHG Protocol methodology and verified by an independent third party, EY Chile, concluding with SCX’s CO2 Neutral International Certification.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0089-E2002A72
- Initiative of: Colbún
- Neutralization object: Corporate offices 2018
- Volume tonCO2: 1,602 tCO2
- Effective date: 07/31/2020
- Footprint meter: Colbún
- Footprint verifier: Ernst&Young
- Abatement Project: Hornitos Project
- Registration: Markit

Colbún has a Climate Change Strategy and management model, where it has incorporated an internal carbon price in decision making; it is developing a portfolio of projects to issue carbon credits to offset emissions;
measures, verifies and reports its carbon footprint; and promotes social initiatives to measure, reduce and offset emissions. Colbún, faced with the risks derived from Climate Change, seeks to transform risks into opportunities, and to work on a management model that allows our business to better face the requirement to restrict CO2 emissions. In a global and long-term perspective, Colbún has been preparing in recent years to massively incorporate variable-source renewable energies – solar and wind – into its project portfolio over the next decade. In terms of variable source renewable energies, during 2018 it started up Colbún’s first photovoltaic park, Ovejería, in the commune of Tiltil, Metropolitan Region, which is a small plant – 9 MW – and has generated a learning opportunity, allowing it to move forward in an effective diversification of its portfolio and contributing to the incorporation of new sources to the country’s energy matrix.
ID Code: 0089-E2002A72