ISA INTERVIAL, the main operator of interurban road concessions, seeks to maintain its corporate relevance, and to this end, anticipating changes in the industry and creating a legacy that inspires future generations, while creating a positive social and environmental impact, are part of its management.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code:0125-E0817B09
- Initiative of: ISA INTERVIAL
- Neutralization object: Controlled emissions (scope 1 and 2) – period 2021.
- Volume tonCO2: 6.828 tCO2
- Effective date: 04-30-2023
- Footprint meter: ProyectaE
- Footprint verifier: GeoInvest
- Reduction Project: Panna 4 (Chile)
- Registration: CDM Registry
Within the environmental pillar, the company acts on the biodiversity, eco-efficiency and climate change fronts, inspiring itself and those around it for the benefit of humanity.
This vision favors the incursion of ISA INTERVIAL in various initiatives with environmental and social impact such as the mitigation and neutralization of greenhouse gases within its operations, but also through initiatives that seek to leave a legacy for future generations.
The Conexión Puma program, which seeks to protect biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change through the preservation, protection and restoration of strategic territories in order to make the carbon bond market viable, is based on the latter purpose.
This program is a fundamental part of the company’s green strategy, and is in addition to the carbon neutrality and environmental impact mitigation initiatives through the ISO 14.001 standard.
Learn more about this program at the following link: https://conexionpuma.org/

ID Code: 0125-E0817B09