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The Monte Redondo Wind Farm aims to generate renewable energy and supply electricity to Chile’s National Electric System, which is undergoing a transformation and decarbonization process. In this line, the project increases the participation of renewable energies in Chile, avoiding the emission of more than 65,000 tCO2e each year.

Project details
  • Location: Chile
  • Category: Wind  Energy
  • Standard: CDM

Communities: The Project supports the foundation Un Alto En el Desierto which seeks to support individuals, organizations and communities in developing adaptation strategies to water scarcity through environmental education, innovation and the development of water solutions.

Infrastructure: Improved local infrastructure (roads and power grid) as existing roads were reinforced and 14.7 km of new roads were built.

Technology: The project supported the technological transition process in the country. EMR was developed and built when there were almost no wind farms in Chile, so its development helped build construction and operational capabilities in Chile and bring the best technological practices of industrialized countries to the country.

Added value: The project site is located on private land that has been leased for a period of 20 years. As a result, landowners will receive additional steady income without affecting the current use of the land.