Throughout its history, the Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello has made an explicit commitment to the sustainable development of the institution through its teaching practices, research, environmental awareness and administrative operations, fostering in the university community and its surroundings a genuine interest in protecting the environment and contributing to the social development of the country.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0149-E10619B29
- Initiative of: Andrés Bello National University (UNAB)
- Neutralization object: Antonio Varas Campus (period 2022)
- Volume of tonsCO2: 2,369 tCO2
- Effective date:11-30-2024
- Footprint meter: UNAB
- Footprint verifier: GeoInvest
- Abatement Project: Nueva Aldea (Chile)
- Registry: CDM Registry
Within the framework of its Sustainability Strategy and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, UNAB’s Sustainability Department seeks to strengthen its sustainability through actions that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change.
Consistent with its Roadmap to reduce its emissions, which includes energy efficiency measures, solar self-generation and NCRE with the aim of moving towards zero net emissions, UNAB began quantifying its organizational carbon footprint in 2016 and, in 2018, joined the Ministry of the Environment’s Huella Chile program,
In order to achieve the maximum potential for emissions reduction, the Roadmap incorporates 3 UNAB sites and includes initiatives such as the purchase of electricity from renewable sources and I-REC certificates, the reduction of emissions through an investment of US$7.5 million in at least 10 categories of projects that incorporate energy efficiency, institutional solar self-generation, waste management and measures to adapt to climate change.

Code ID: 0149-E10619B29