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The companies MINTRAL and ELB, which make up the agency’s operation in Antofagasta providing logistics services to the mining industry, have joined forces as part of their business model to advance sustainable management.

As part of this commitment, this year we have completed the certification process for the carbon neutrality of the Antofagasta Business Site (scopes 1 and 2), for the period 2023.

Summary of the initiative
  • SCX Code:0152-E10719B32
  • Initiative of:Mintral and ELB
  • Neutralization object: Antofagasta Site (period 2023)
  • Volume tonCO2: 1,488 tCO2 (scopes 1 and 2)
  • Effective date: 04-30-2025
  • Footprint meter: Sitrans
  • Footprint verifier: SGS
  • Abatement Project: Totoral Wind Farm Project (Chile)
  • Registration: VERRA Registry

In their permanent aspiration to be efficient, profitable businesses that are in balance with society and care for the ecosystem, Mintral (Servicios Mineros Mintral Limitada) and ELB (Transportes Nacionales Libertador Limitada) have measured and compensated the carbon footprint (scopes 1 and 2) of their operations at the Antofagasta Business Site, together with actions that allow them to reduce their emissions in a constant and responsible manner.

In 2023, initiatives such as the installation of more than 460 photovoltaic panels in the Antofagasta agency (which contribute more than 250kWp to its electricity consumption), the implementation of almost its entire fleet with electric forklifts, the expansion of ELB’s fleet of tractors with state-of-the-art technology with low emissions and the incorporation of one of the first electric tractor trucks in the market, which goes hand in hand with the safety of its employees and the excellent service that characterizes them, stand out.

In addition, as of 2023, we have implemented sustainable consumption initiatives such as the reuse of water, the purchase of renewable energies, the reuse of packaging and the replacement of conventional lighting fixtures with more efficient ones.

ID Code: 0152-E10719B32