Between November 22 and 25, 2012, the first National Tourism Fair was held at the Padre Hurtado Park in the municipality of La Reina. This tourism promotion event was the most important one at the national level, showcasing the tourism offerings of the 15 regions.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 022-CL1604010
- Initiative of: SERNATUR
- Neutralization object: Event
- Volume tonCO2: 219 tCO2
- Effective date: 25-11-2012
- Footprint meter: Poch Ambiental
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Reduction Project: Baesa Project
- Registration:

As part of its sustainability strategy, SERNATUR decided that the Fair, together with other reduction measures, should be carbon neutral, thus compensating for emissions that cannot be avoided.
The Fair was a meeting point between Chileans and the tourism industry, promoting private participation and the marketing of tourism products and services.
The Chile es TUYO Fair was an event not to be missed as Chile was presented in a format never seen before. Visitors were able to enter each region, learn about its attractions, routes and destinations in spaces set with amazing landscapes, learn about their traditions and taste typical products.
In addition, the main tourism and travel companies participated, providing information and discounts so that all Chileans can plan their vacations, thus giving life to the largest tourism fair in the country.
For more details, visit
ID Code: 022-CL1604010