For the third consecutive year, Colbún has neutralized the Greenhouse Gas emissions associated with the operation of its corporate offices in 2013.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0042-E2002A26
- Initiative of: Colbún
- Neutralization object: Corporate offices
- Volume tonCO2: 2,044 tCO2
- Effective date: 31-07-2015
- Footprint meter: Colbún
- Footprint verifier: Ernst&Young
- Abatement Project: Hornitos Project
- Registration: Markit

For Colbún, Climate Change has been a relevant issue for more than a decade. For this reason, it carries out and constantly participates in various initiatives, among which the following stand out: i) the registration of four run-of-river hydroelectric plants under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (Chacabuquito, Hornitos, Quilleco and San Clemente); ii) the issuance of voluntary carbon credits associated with the pre-MDL operation of these four plants; iii) emission reductions of approximately 400 thousand tons of CO2e/year; and iv) participation in various national bodies that have mitigation and adaptation to climate change as a focus of action, such as the UC Global Change Center and the Center of Business Leaders for Climate Change (CLG Chile).
Colbún, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the industry, as well as to know the real environmental impact of our operation, annually quantifies its direct and indirect emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), through the inventory of GHG emissions or Carbon Footprint – this measurement includes the thermal and hydraulic power plants, as well as the corporate offices located in the city of Santiago-.
The inventory methodology used corresponds to the
GHG Protocol
The international standard is widely used by companies in various productive sectors. The results obtained are reported year by year internationally through the CDP (ex Carbon Disclosure Project. As a result of the measurement, for the year 2013 the operation of the Corporate Offices resulted in 2,044 tonCO2e, which were also externally verified by the auditing firm EY.
The offsetting is done through carbon credits from the Hornitos project, whose reductions have been certified under the VCS | Verified Carbon Standard, and with these requirements, the company has obtained the SCX CO2 Neutral certification for the third consecutive year.
Code ID: 0042-E2002A26