For the seventh consecutive year, Colbún neutralized the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with the operation of its corporate offices during 2017, corresponding mainly to electricity and fuel consumption, staff transportation, business travel and waste disposal.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0077-E2002A60
- Initiative of: Colbún
- Neutralization object: Corporate Offices 2017
- Volume tonCO2: 4,702 tCO2
- Effective date: 31-07-2019
- Footprint meter: Colbún
- Footprint verifier: Ernst&Young
- Abatement Project: Hornitos Project
- Registration: Markit

The emissions inventory, conducted under the GHG Protocol methodology and verified by an independent third party, EY Chile, resulted in SCX’s CO2 Neutral International Certification.
With more than 15 years of commitment to climate change, Colbún has defined in its corporate strategy the objective of maintaining the Company’s CO2 emission factor (in its operations in Chile) below the average emission factor of the National Electric System (tonCO2e/MWh). This, leveraged on a portfolio of accredited plants to certify the reduction of GHG emissions and issue carbon credits; an internal carbon price; participation in the public-private debate; carbon footprint management; and the promotion of social initiatives that measure and offset their GHG emissions.
Thus, in 2017, the Colbún power plants accredited to the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism and the Verified Carbon Standard increased by 12% their contribution to the reduction of GHG emissions and, as of today, have reduced more than 3.5 million GHG emissions, equivalent to removing more than 930,000 vehicles from circulation for one year.
ID Code: 0077-E2002A60