For Colbún, climate change has been a relevant issue for more than 10 years, promoting the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, which together allow it to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 400,000 tonCO2e/year.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 016-CL2002541
- Initiative of: Colbún
- Neutralization object: Office
- Volume tonCO2: 2,129 tCO2
- Effective date: 30-06-2013
- Footprint meter: Colbún
- Footprint verifier: Ernst&Young
- Abatement Project: Quilleco Project
- Registration: Markit

The measurement and monitoring of its carbon footprint is integrated into the Company’s environmental management, information that has been reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) since 2001 to date, and in the last two years has been verified by Ernst & Young.
From the results of the 2011 carbon footprint, the Company decided to neutralize the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced in its corporate offices for Scopes 1, 2 and 3 (direct and indirect emissions), as a way to reinforce the proactive commitment to Climate Change mitigation.
Through this management, Colbún became the first electric company in Chile to have carbon neutral corporate offices, by obtaining the CO2 Neutral certification under the international standard of SCX, Santiago Climate Exchange.
ID Code: 016-CL2001541