The event ‘Costa Rica Verde & Saludable’, held at the Intercontinental Hotel, was organized by PROCOMER (Foreign Trade Promoter of Costa Rica), with the aim of strengthening trade relations between Chile and Costa Rica.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 015-CL1904522
- Initiative of: PROCOMER
- Neutralization object: Event
- Volume tonCO2: 42 tCO2
- Effective Date: 25-05-2012
- Footprint meter: CREARA
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Abatement Project: Lircay Passage Plant
- Registration: Markit

Little by little, Costa Rican exports have been positioning themselves in the minds of consumers as quality products and for the Chilean market Costa Rica is different: green and healthy. In this regard, Jorge Sequeira, General Manager of PROCOMER, explained “Today, Chileans are demanding, informed consumers who demand high quality products that are the result of certified and environmentally friendly practices, which represents a great opportunity for Costa Rican products such as gluten-free pasta, organic coffee, healthy cookies, biodegradable detergents and soaps, 100% natural personal care products, among others”.
Álvaro Piedra, PROCOMER’s Trade Promotion Manager, said that Costa Rica’s export offer has been positioning itself in the minds of consumers as quality products and the country in general as a green and sustainable destination, which is why exporters must come to Chile with a proposal that allows them to enhance their commercial strengths as a country and focus their efforts on products that provide added value to the entire production chain, all the way to the consumer.
The event was also attended by representatives of the Chilean government as the Undersecretary of Tourism, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture CONAF, and other organizations such as the National Association of Energy Services Companies, Federation of Tourism Companies, Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve, Climate Exchange of Santiago, Casa de la Paz Foundation, among others.
ID Code: 015-CL1904522