Sodimac, as part of its efforts to contribute to combating Climate Change, commits all its deliveries to customers during the next Cyber Monday will be carbon neutral, making it the first company to make this commitment since the beginning of this e-commerce event in Chile.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0080-E1704A62
- Initiative by: Sodimac
- Neutralization object: Dispatches – CyberMonday 2018
- Volume tonCO2: 140 tCO2
- Effective date:10-10-2018
- Footprint meter: Proyectae
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Abatement Project: Lircay Project, Chile
- Registration: Markit

“This is a reflection of our commitment to help care for the planet and prevent climate change. At Sodimac we set ourselves the goal of reducing our carbon footprint by 30% by 2021, for which we constantly measure, reduce and mitigate the direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we generate,” said Sodimac’s sustainability manager, Juan Carlos Corvalán. Sodimac’s initiatives to protect the planet include circular economy actions to recover and recycle waste through its National Clean Points Network and campaigns.
“The company has also made advances in the use of clean energy with solar panels in its facilities, the use of non-conventional renewable energies (NCRE) and eco-efficiency in its operations.
For this initiative, GHG Protocol methodology will be used to measure the carbon footprint associated with the shipments that will be made during the next CyberDay, to be held on October 8, 9 and 10, 2018. Once the footprint is measured, it will be verified by an independent third party, and the total greenhouse gas emissions will be neutralized with carbon credits from the Lircay project, located in the municipality of San Clemente, Maule Region, which generates energy from the waters of the irrigation canal of the Maule Canal Association.
To learn more about this initiative, go to https://www.sodimac.cl/sodimac-cl/huella-carbono.
ID Code: 0080-E1704A62