EREDE 2022, RECALCULATING: A call to seek new routes that allow us to look to the future with optimism and a sense of reality.
EREDE this year invites us to explore possible ways to get the economy back on track, reconnect with citizens’ expectations and design a purpose.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0130-E5017B14
- Initiative of: ARAUCO
- Neutralization object: Event
- Volume tonCO2: to be estimated tCO2
- Effective date: 11-30-2022
- Footprint meter: EREDE
- Footprint verifier: ProyectaE
- Reduction Project: Viñales (Chile)
- Registration: CDM Registry
This annual event is a public-private dialogue that stands as a possibility to harmonize territorial planning for the future, where the economy, society and the environment move forward hand in hand, with a focus this year on “Let’s move forward to the how!
Prominent panelists will be present for this meeting in the Bio Bio region, at Sur Activo Concepción. We invite you to learn more about this initiative at https://erede.cl/#.
ID Code: 0130-E5017B14