EREDE 2023, Meeting Point.
It is the annual business meeting of the Bio Bio region, this year, invites to dialogue on the search for the only possible way: the union between the public and private worlds.
With more than 20 stands of the main companies in the region, it is a meeting point “to reflect together and trace possible paths, with optimism and a sense of reality”.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX code: 0146-E00511B26
- Initiative of: ARAUCO
- Neutralization object: EREDE 2023 event
- Volume tonCO2: to be estimated tCO2
- Effective date: 25-10-2023
- Footprint meter: ProyectaE
- Footprint verifier: GeoInvest
- Abatement Project:Nueva Aldea (Chile)
- Registration: CDM Registry
Prominent panelists will be present for this meeting in the Bio Bio region, at SurActivo in the city of Concepción, this October 25, 2023.
Meeting point
Chile has a rich and diverse history and culture. But what could be one of our greatest strengths has become a permanent source of conflict.
The ability to reach common minimums is an essential pillar of democracy to which we must all contribute. Agreements, now! That is the message we want to convey from Biobío.
From the meeting place, where – after many battles – Spaniards and native peoples parleyed in search of agreements.
From the place where Chile’s Independence was born.
From the region where industrial strength has been forged, today threatened by a multiplicity of factors.
Let us not allow political polarization to keep us from the hope of a better future.
EREDE 2023 is a meeting point where we make an urgent call for dialogue for a splendid future.
To compromise and move forward.
To put on the table what unites us over what divides us.
To put Chile ahead.
We invite you to learn more about this initiative at https://erede.cl/.
ID Code: 0146-E00511B26