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For the second consecutive year, MELÓN CEMENTOS certifies the consumption of the La Calera plant as 100% renewable.

Throughout its history, Melon has taken on the climate challenge in line with the decarbonization roadmap that the industry has been promoting for years, with concrete efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), of which Melon is a member through the Inter-American Cement Federation (FICEM), made a commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Summary of the initiative
  • SCX code: 0148-R10319B28
  • Initiative of: MELON S.A.
  • Subject of certification: La Calera Plant
  • MWh volume : 97,519 MWh at the end of the period 2022
  • Effective date: 04-30-2024
  • Consumption meter : MELON
  • Consumption verifier : PWC (scope 2)
  • Renewable Energy Supply: Enel Generación
  • Power: Hydroelectric / Plant registered under I-REC (E) International standard

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, Melon’s Sustainability Strategy and Roadmap 2030 seeks to formalize its commitment to the well-being of its environment and each of its stakeholders, within the framework of ethical and transparent actions that allow it to project its business in the long term.

As part of the Net Zero Cement and Concrete Chile 2050 Roadmap, Melón has placed decarbonization and production efficiency at the center of its sustainability strategy, seeking to promote the replacement of the productive and logistical energy matrix by investing in innovation to reduce the environmental footprint of the life cycle of its products.

In order to reduce net CO2 emissions by 20% by 2030, Melón has been modifying its energy matrix by replacing conventional fuels with alternatives with lower emission factors, and promoting the use of renewable energies certified by the I-REC seal, among other initiatives.

ID Code: 0148-R10319B28