LACCW 2023 will be carbon neutral under the SCX protocol.
The Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 will address climate solutions in the run-up to COP28.
The Inter-American Cement Federation, FICEM, has been in charge of leading the initiative to neutralize emissions from the event that took place on October 23-27, 2023.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0147-E10511B27
- Initiative of: FICEM
- Neutralization object: LACCW 2023
- Volume tonCO2: estimated 4,000 tCO2
- Effective date: October 23 to October 27, 2023
- Footprint meter: ProyectaE
- Footprint verifier: KPMG
- Reduction Project: El Platanal (Peru)
- Registry: CDM / UK Emissions Trading Registry
The Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 (LACCW 2023), held October 23-27 in Panama City, Panama, is the prelude to the COP28 talks to be held in December this year in the UAE, a unique opportunity to call for decisive change and to urgently respond to the need to accelerate progress by collectively embarking on a rapid and profound transformation of our economic and social systems.
LACCW 2023 and all Regional Climate Weeks provide a platform for policy makers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to exchange information on climate solutions, obstacles to overcome and opportunities in different regions.
The Regional Climate Weeks contemplated four major thematic areas with a view to providing regionally-focused contributions that would serve as a basis for the global stocktaking:
- Energy systems and industry;
- Cities, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure and transportation;
- Land, oceans, food and water;
- Societies, health, livelihoods and economies.

ID Code: 0147-E10511B27