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In its ongoing effort to advance its sustainability strategy, MITTA has obtained the CO2e Neutral Certification License from SCX, Santiago Climate Exchange.

This initiative considers the measurement, verification and compensation of 100% of its direct and indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the period 2023.

Summary of the initiative
  • SCX Code: 0157-E11101B37
  • Initiative of: MITTA
  • Neutralization object: Organization
  • Volume tonCO2: 4.730
  • Effective Date: 31-12-2025
  • Footprint meter: Carboneutral
  • Footprint verifier: Geoinvest
  • Abatement Project: Viñales Biomass Power Plant (Chile) / Lircay Run-of-River Project (Chile)
  • Registration: Verra / CDM

MITTAa company of the Mitsui & Co. and Autorentas del Pacífico SpA, has as its business model the service of mobilization and operational leasing of vehicles, through the Rent a Car, Operational Leasing and Renting modalities.

With a presence in Chile from Arica to Tierra del Fuego and a fleet of more than 28,000 vehicles, MITTA serves various economic sectors such as mining, telecommunications, energy, agriculture, construction, aquaculture, forestry, food and government agencies.

MITTA is currently concentrating its efforts on strengthening its service offering in Chile and continuing with its commitment to mitigate the climate effects of its operations. To this end, it is developing initiatives that include the production of sustainable photovoltaic energy, battery recycling and circular economy projects with companies in the industry. In addition, and in accordance with the Extended Producer Responsibility Law, it individually manages the recycling of disused tires. All these actions are based on the 4 MITTA Environmental Pillars: Greenhouse Gas Management, Clean Energy and Resource Use, Circular Economy and Sustainable Services.

ID Code: 0157-E11101B37