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Together we offset your carbon footprint from fuel consumption!


COPEC, through its My Carbon Footprint Program in its App, invites its customers to be part of this initiative to combat the effects of climate change.

Summary of the initiative
  • SCX Code: 0110-E0817A92
  • Initiative of: COPEC
  • Neutralization object: My Carbon Footprint Program – App Muevo
  • Volume of tonsCO2: Accumulated as of 04-30-2024 / 122,379 tCO2
  • Effective date: 12/31/2024
  • Footprint meter: COPEC
  • Footprint verifier: to be confirmed
  • Abatement Project: Portfolio: Luz de Norte (Chile); Santa Clara (Brazil); Forestry Project (Peru)
  • Registration: CDM / VERRA

COPEC is the main player in the fuels market in Chile and Colombia, and also has operations in the USA and other Latin American countries. The company’s climate strategy involves a radical transformation of its business models, aiming for sales of its renewable energy solutions to account for more than 50% of its portfolio by 2050.

COPEC is also committed to achieving carbon neutrality of its direct emissions by 2030 (Scopes 1 and 2) and as emissions derived from the use of its fuels represent most of Scope 3 of its footprint, it has developed a voluntary offset program for its customers, where the company contributes 50% of the cost of the offset. This non-profit initiative also seeks to educate customers on their responsibility for the emissions derived from their mobility, on how the carbon footprint is calculated -COPEC has used a life-cycle methodology to include not only direct emissions from combustion, but also emissions from oil extraction, processing and distribution of fuels- and on the full traceability of the neutralization process, where it has relied on SCX’s expertise to design and verify a transparent process for the user, which can assure them that their contributions are being made in a way that is transparent to them, The company has relied on the experience of SCX to design and verify a transparent process for the user, which can assure them that their contributions go 100% to the financing of emission reduction projects registered under international standards (CDM, VCS).

More information on this initiative can be found at:

ID Code: 0110-E0817A92

*e – 0110-E0817A93 // *e – 0110-E0817A94