During 2012, ProChile offset the emissions associated with its participation in four international trade fairs: European Seafood Exposition, Sial Montreal, London International Wine Fair and Fancy Food Show, all in their 2012 versions.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 010-CL1504541
- Initiative of: ProChile
- Neutralization object: Stand
- Volume tonCO2: 16 tCO2
- Effective Date: 01-06-2012
- Footprint Meter: Global Projects
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Abatement Project: Quilleco Project
- Registration: Markit

Participating in international trade fairs is the opportunity to have direct contact with importers, distributors, wholesalers, and opinion leaders, exposing your brand to thousands of visitors from all over the world.
ProChile is aware of how important it is to promote the participation of Chilean exporters in this type of events, however, it is also aware of the impact of such participation: the CO2. This means that CO2 were estimated and compensated through the purchase of carbon credits, which were generated by the Chilean run-of-river hydroelectric project Lircay. The withdrawal of bonds from international registries was carried out by SCX, Santiago Climate Exchange.
ID Code: 010-CL1504541