At the beginning of 2020, the sustainability expert consulting firm, Proyecta Impacto, decided to start measuring its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to put Climate Emergency at the core of its business.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0116-E9364A98
- Initiative of: PROYECTA
- Neutralization object: Organization (2020)
- Volume tonCO2: 5.36 tCO2
- Effective date: 30-12-2022
- Footprint meter: PROYECTA
- Footprint verifier: CyCLO
- Reduction Project: Lircay
- Registration: VERRA
For this reason, since 2019 it began to report its GHG inventory in the MMA’s HuellaChile program, and this year it decided to offset 100% of its direct and indirect emissions generated since 2020. The quantification and verification of GHG emissions has been developed in accordance with Chilean standards NCh-ISO 14064:2019 parts 1 and 3, NCh-ISO 14065:2014 and NCh-ISO 14066:2012. And, as part of the requirements of the SCX CO2 Neutral Certification, its results have been verified by an independent third party, this time by CyCLO Sustaintability.
Although the company is not emissions intensive, it is working to reduce the intensity of emissions per employee and has made a commitment to be Carbon Neutral within the framework of the Race to Zero of the B companies.
ID Code: 0116-E9364A98