What is and
for what

The Radiography of Corporate Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCCC) is an annual study conducted by SCX Climate Exchange of Santiago, with the purpose of making visible the maturity of companies.
with respect to the effects of climate change and the incorporation of risks in its corporate management, with respect to the best practices in this area worldwide.

Increasing climate ambition challenges companies to be in constant search of innovative solutions to face more demanding scenarios.

The RVCCC Radiography has made it possible to observe how the practices of the largest companies in Chile have evolved over the last three years in terms of corporate statements on Climate Change management.

Through the integrated public reports, sustainability reports and web communications, in the 2021 version, the main findings were strongly related to the heterogeneity of practices and where only one third of the companies reported that they quantified their carbon footprint, and in most cases, incompletely.

By 2022 it was possible to observe that, even though significant challenges remained, in the understanding and impact actions at corporate level there was more evidence of growth in management, and it was possible to see that the number of companies that had measured their corporate footprint had doubled with respect to the previous year.

In 2023, as a result of the learning and collaboration of different stakeholders, the scope of the study was expanded to include aspects associated with Risk Management and Adaptation – which previously could not be included due to lack of information – and today allow us to have a first look at how these issues are being incorporated into climate management.

The climate challenge is changing.

It is very likely that we will have to get used to a scenario of a 3º increase in the average temperature of the planet, with huge
consequences on the different ecosystems where economic activities are carried out.

This makes it necessary to be more sophisticated and, in turn, to increase the requirements to reduce Corporate Vulnerability to Climate Change, better understanding the degree of exposure that a company has and the capabilities it has today and will require to face future challenges as well.

Key Findings for the year 2023

If you would like to learn more about the RVCCC | 2023 methodology, please send us your contact email.

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