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The (REDD ) project is located in Portel, Pará, Brazil and protects 165,707 hectares in a region of the Brazilian Amazon with high levels of territorial conflict, contributing to a reduction of more than 930,000 metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

Project details
  • Location: Portel, Pará, Brazil.
  • Category: Forest Preservation Area
  • Standard: VERRA

By supporting local residents (known as pueblos ribereños) in obtaining land tenure documents and, eventually, land titles, the project aims to bring stability to the surrounding areas.

In addition and with equal opportunities for women, the project has supported communities in incorporating sustainable land use practices and in the development of non-timber forest products, such as Jatai medical grade honey. It has also provided local families with stoves that reduce the use of firewood during farinha production, as well as new sources of employment, such as forest monitoring, community surveys and demonstrations.

Finally, it protects the habitat of 2 critically endangered, 4 endangered and 21 vulnerable species, creates animal corridors, maintains forest cover and reduces habitat fragmentation, which helps conserve threatened plant and animal species.