In 2012, for the second consecutive year, Capital Magazine, together with ProChile, organized the “Sustainability Summit”, with the intention of promoting development in environmental and conservation issues.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 011-CL1604541
- Initiative by: Capital Magazine
- Neutralization object: Event
- Volume tonCO2: 28.32 tCO2
- Effective Date: 06-07-2012
- Footprint meter: Poch Ambiental
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Abatement Project: Quilleco Project
- Registration: Markit

The event featured presentations by Bjørn Lomborg, Danish writer and environmentalist; Juan Verde, Sustainability Advisor, Barack Obama Administration; Sally Uren, Deputy Executive Director of Forum for the Future and Brad Hill, Cooperatives Association UK.
The Summit’s emissions were neutralized with bonds from the Quilleco run-of-river hydroelectric power plant project developed by Colbún, for which Poch Ambiental measured the emissions, which are being verified by Deloitte, and the bonds will be withdrawn from the corresponding market by SCX.
The organization also implemented other measures that contributed to making this a green event, among them the use of certified, recycled paper, free of environmentally harmful inks, organic banqueting, the application of measures to reduce the consumption of electricity, water and paper, and the provision of a system of guarded and free parking spaces for those who attended the event by bicycle, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
ID Code: 011-CL1604541