TNC and SCX team up to showcase case studies on how to successfully market carbon credits
On April 15, 2014, at the Intercontinental Hotel in Santiago, the seminar “The Value of Forests: Beyond Carbon Credits” was held, organized jointly by The Nature Conservancy and SCX | Santiago Climate Exchange, sponsored by the National Association of Advertisers (ANDA) and Capital Magazine.
Summary of the initiative
- SCX Code: 0045-E3804A29
- Initiative of: TNC and SCX
- Neutralization object: Event
- Volume tonCO2: 8 tCO2
- Effective date: 15-04-2014
- Footprint meter: Poch Ambiental
- Footprint verifier: Deloitte
- Abatement Project: Valdivian Coastal Reserve
- Registration: Markit

The idea was to convene national and international exhibitors to showcase cases of how their sustainability strategies with carbon credits can be transformed into a successful tool to address and even expand their markets.
Through this initiative, TNC and SCX sought to encourage the creation of a market for carbon credits to combat climate change, which requires companies to effectively communicate to their target audiences the contribution they are making to save the planet. In short: how to add value to the brand by committing to offsetting the footprint through the purchase of carbon credits.
But in addition to good communication, a good sustainability strategy must also communicate the virtues of offsetting the company’s footprint and inform its public adequately. For this reason, the seminar included a presentation by Aldo Cerda, VP of Corporate and Commercial Affairs at SCX, on best practices in carbon footprint communication.
This event was attended by more than 100 guests from various industries, and its impact was neutralized under the SCX | CO standard.2 Neutral, with carbon credits from TNC’s project in Chile, and its carbon footprint was measured under GHG Protocol by Poch Ambiental, and verified by independent third party, Deloitte.
ID Code: 0045-E3804A29