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The Totoral project is a 46 MW wind farm located in the Coquimbo Region of Chile. By substituting fossil fuel-based energy generation, the project avoids the emission of more than 70,000 tCO2e each year.

Project details
  • Location: Coquimbo Region, Chile
  • Category: Wind Energy
  • Standard: VERRA

The project activity has contributed to the community of Canela and its surroundings, one of the poorest and least developed regions in Chile. The development of this project was of great interest to local authorities due to the expected increase in municipal revenues from permit fees and community support from the company and services related to the construction and operation of the wind farm.

There are no villages in the vicinity of the project area, so the project does not alter the way of life of the communities in the area. On the contrary, the project activity could become a tourist attraction for the area, opening up opportunities for the development of local communities.