Located in the municipality of Lábrea, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil, the project protects forests located in one of the regions with the highest rate of deforestation in the Amazon Biome. A consortium of 15 neighboring properties totaling nearly 100,000 ha of forest area is carrying out conservation activities and best forest management practices inspired by the nearby Fortaleza Ituxi REDD Project.
Project details
- Location: Municipality of Lábrea, Brazil.
- Category: Forest Preservation Area
- Standard: VERRA
Biodiversity benefits:
The project area is home to significant biodiversity of fauna and flora and has been classified as “extremely high importance” for conservation. More than 300 vertebrate species have been identified, including endangered species such as the jaguar and the giant otter. Throughout the project, biomass inventories and species surveys have been conducted to monitor biodiversity.
Collateral benefits for the community:
In terms of formal employment opportunities, capacity building and additional source of income, the local community is trained in sustainable forest and livestock management. It also participates in the monitoring of illegal logging activities in the project area to support its implementation.