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For the fourth consecutive year, the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM) has neutralized its greenhouse gas emissions for the period 2021, including scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Summary of the initiative
  • SCX Code:0128-E6364B12
  • Initiative of: UTEM
  • Neutralization object: Organization (2021)
  • Volume tonCO2: 625 tCO2
  • Effective date: 30-06-2023
  • Footprint meter: Sustainability Program UTEM
  • Footprint verifier: CyCLO
  • Abatement Project: Chacayes (Chile)
  • Registration:CDM Registry

UTEM, through its Sustainability Program, has led a series of initiatives that seek to materialize the institutional commitment and reflect in its work the training of professionals committed to the sustainability of the country.

The quantification and reduction of organizational GHG emissions were performed by the UTEM Sustainability Program, using the Carbon Management Program HuellaChile of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), in accordance with Chilean standards NCh-ISO 14064:2013 (parts 1, 2 and 3), NCh-ISO 14065:2014; NCh-ISO 14066:2012; NCh-ISO 14069:2014 and NCh 3300:2014.

The results have been verified by an independent third party, CyCLO. The carbon credits used correspond to the Chacayes Project, located in the O’Higgins Region, which have been removed from the CDM International Registry, to ensure the traceability and transparency of the process, thus concluding the CO2 Neutral Certification of SCX, for the organization (in scopes 1, 2 and 3) of its operations for the period 2021.

ID Code: 0128-E6364B12